Monday, September 28, 2009

My Daughter's(Sarah's) Post forwarded, below-PLEASE VOTE!!! :)

September 28, 2009

We Need Your Votes!

Last October my sister, Summer, and I tried to get the kids picture taken at JC Penney. What a hilarious disaster it was! If you need a refresher of just how that photo session turned out please click HERE!

Fast forward to last week: Our local radio station set out looking for awkward/bad photos and as I listened to this contest unfold I knew that I had to enter. So, when I got home I dug out the photo, scanned it, and sent it off to Coast 101.3. Johnny and I then got quite a good laugh about it again because no matter how many times we've looked at this picture we always end up in hysterics :).

So, this evening I was checking the radio's website and lo and behold we are 1 of 5 finalists in the photo contest. The photo with the most votes will win and receive a $1000 photo package from Reflections Photography (this is the most exciting part!).

This is where all of you come in: We need you to vote!! If you're interested in helping just click HERE! We are photo #2.

You can vote once a day from now until Thursday, October 1 @ 8 pm. They'll announce the winner on Friday morning

Thanks Everyone! We'll keep you posted :).

I have no idea why these lines are showing up so just ignore them...they're driving me crazy!

Monday, September 21, 2009

HAPPY 2nd Birthday, ZEKE!!!

We love you Zekey boy!!! Happy 2nd birthday! XOXO Grandma and Grandpa!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

Be a part of this year's Race for Her on Sept 19th in Sacramento and help raise money for the research needed to help find an early detection test. Proceeds from this race will benefit the ovarian cancer research programs at the UC Davis Cancer Center. Visit for more details!

Both my mom and sister(above) died from ovarian cancer in their 50's. Ovarian cancer is very difficult to detect and is usually not discovered until it has reached an advanced state. Early detection is vitally important and greatly increases survival.

Above is a link (Team"Laura's Legacy" is set up in my sister's memory, by her daughter, Michelle) for donations to fund finding an early detection method.

Let's stay informed and do our best to ensure a healthier, longer life for our daughters, granddaughters, nieces, sisters, aunts, moms, grandmas, and ourselves!!! :)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Our first order of business upon arriving in Hawaii(July 27-Aug. 4) was to meet this adorable little guy! We were finally able to hold, cuddle and kiss little Caleb, our newest grandchild! We sure love him! Lois is the new mommy and she is doing a great job! Look at how peaceful he is sleeping on her lap:) Jesse and Lois are having so much fun with him!
Our next order of business was to have FUN! We did our best to make it happen...Snorkeling at Shark's Cove(and other spots), Dole Plantation, Swimming to Chinaman's Hat, bowling, hiking, eating at Ted's Bakery, Brian BBQing for us, Jake Shimabukuro concert, Waimea Bay(and the guys jumping off the rocks), Waikiki, A birthday bash with garlic shrimp(Thanks to Jesse's friend), Turtle Beach, International Marketplace, playing Scattergories, shaved ice...and topping it off was Caleb's blessing( see 3 posts back), given by Jesse, with Johnny, Brian and Jim (and others) participating!

Da boys at the top of Chinaman's Hat, after we swam over to the island!
Jim at the top
The whole crew(minus me, photographing) with the "Hat" behind us
Bowling at BYUH
Grandma and Auntie admiring Caleb:)
Zeke became locked in the car(in his car seat and the keys on the front seat) at Ted's Bakery, but the Sunset Beach Fire Dept. came to our rescue, with the sirens wailing!!! I still owe them some cookies!
Sisters soaking up the sun at Waimea
The guys jumped off the rocks at Waimea Bay...Here's Johnny!
Summer and Brian left their three kids with Brian's parents. We missed them! Here they are relaxing and getting to know their new nephew:) Look at Caleb's head of hair!
Zeke is the little beach boy:)
The Birthday girl wearing her candy lei
Hiking in the wet rain forest with giant leaf umbrellas
Summer mingling with the giant sea turtles...Hang loose!
This sea turtle popped up to say HELLO:)
We had a birthday luau for Lois(on her bday) and Brian (two weeks early)...some friends came too and one friend made his special garlic shrimp for all of us-YUM!!!
The Root family on the back porch
The beautiful view from our backyard:)

It was WONDERFUL to have the kids together...they hadn't seen each other since Christmas!!!